
"All Americans...need to watch what they say, what they do."
- Ari Fleischer, White House Press Secretary to President George W. Bush

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hey, Dumb Gun Owners, Christ is the "Prince of Peace"

How is it that so many dumb gun owners claim to be Christian but support the horrible brutality and murder committed by police and military? While real gun owners obviously own guns, it's pretty evident that Christ wouldn't have owned a gun. It's pretty evident that Christ wouldn't have engaged in war or committed violence on another person. We're not Christ, so we can be hopefully forgiven for our fears and frailties, but a real gun owner only uses his gun for shooting sports, to feed his family or for his own defense. A real gun owner, a Christian gun owner, does not engage in or condone wars of election or brutality on others.

It's like the phony gun owners are trying to marry two disparate courses that they want to hold: violence and Christ. Instead of softening the violence to comport with Christ, they've toughened up the Christianity to justify the violence. By destroying Christianity's message, they've turned Christ into something ugly. The Prince of Peace is now the hillbilly God of War.

Around the country, we saw phony gun owners justify the slaughter of innocents in Wikileaks' courageous release of this video:


These murderers in the video and all those who justify the murder are not Christians and do not know Christ.

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