
"All Americans...need to watch what they say, what they do."
- Ari Fleischer, White House Press Secretary to President George W. Bush

Friday, July 9, 2010

There Is No Justice for the Citizens

Cops can kill us, at will, and only rarely do they face any sanctions.

This cop committed outright murder and received a conviction for involuntary manslaughter. Our pigs are nothing but an occupying army, and we are not their equal. When we kill them, we are met with street assassinations or executions, but when they kill us, it's more akin to cruelty to animals. There is no justice as long as this pig does not receive the same sentence any Californian would receive for deliberately murdering a cop.

California (Reuters) - A white former transit police officer was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in a videotaped shooting death of an unarmed black man last year in Oakland, California, sparking a wave of looting and destruction in the city on Thursday.

Here's the videotape of the cop murdering an unarmed prisoner at point-blank range.

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